
Somethign is wrong.

somethign is just not right.

life could never have been so hectic. But something is fluttering inside me…


why do i still post here… why to I still dream every night…

why do you still read this or do you really read this? Why are my hands shivering everyday even though they are almost healed.

why did you send me that picture? did you hear the same song he sang.. the same song that makes me cry… when you heard that song did you hear it the same time i heard another song that made me cry?

there are cords tugging at me.

this is not the bottle of wine talking.. this is the courage that comes from the bottle of wine talking.

i dont know what I want…

I want you so bad .. almost as bad and I want to forget you forever..

i want to forget who I was.. i want to forget the self respecting, short tempered, fun loving, flirty, crazy , happy person I was..

I want to be new… i want to learn this new face that smiles.. but does not feel.

I want to die.