Goodbye Sweet Home

Tomorrow is my last day at this home. I will miss being here, although I did not get enough time here, but the memories I made here will last me a lifetime.

This is where we became friends again, and said our goodbyes again. We had our last pizza here together and you worked here while I watched you.

This home is where you got irritated at the cat I was fostering, I knew you were doing it just to act cute. This is where we cried together for the last time, and giggled and tickled each other for the last time.

What would I not give to be together here again for the last time. But I know some things just don’t happen twice.

If I could give my right arm to be able to hold you close again, I would, but what it requires to turn back time is not a luxury that my life choices have left me now.

This room gave me a chance to build memories that I can hold on to, not many rooms can offer a person that.

If this is all I have, then this is all I have
